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THE THIRD STORY podcast features long-form interviews with creative people of all types, hosted by Brooklyn-based musician, Leo Sidran. 

May 19, 2016

Larry Goldings has been one of the most respected, versatile and working jazz pianists and organists around since he moved to New York in 1986 to attend the (then) brand new New School jazz program.

His career has been varied, working with his own trio with drummer Bill Stewart and guitarist Peter Bernstein (a...

May 12, 2016

With nearly 100 people moving to Nashville every day, it has become one of the hot hipster cities in America. Why is this? What does this mean? Does this mean that I should move there too?

On a recent weekend trip to Music City USA, I raised this question repeatedly and I got a variety of answers. Uber drivers,...

May 5, 2016

How Minneapolis influenced Prince, and how Prince reframed Minneapolis. Paul Peterson (The Time, The Family), Ricky Peterson (Paisley Park producer) and Monte Moir (The Time) tell of their time in the Prince camp.